Sunday, November 20, 2016

Grow like a Tree In the Jungle of Work

Oak and pine are the tallest of them all
That rise over the rest with brisk and risk,
But oh, how mighty is their fall
At the blow of a wind too strong and fast!

See the grass that surrounds the pine
Smiling and dancing unmindful of any gale or rain
For it believes not in growing tall
But in enjoying the every ‘now’ that befall

There is this banyan spreading far and wide
Helping every branch to grow its stem and root
And from them draws its strength and spread
To provide its underlings the much-needed shade.

It is in the newness that the plantain believes
And blooms with a newer shoot day after day;
With its fruit and bud, and stem and leaves
It serves the humankind in myriad ways.

And that Chinese bamboo takes its own sweet time
Not a month or two, but about years four to five
On its 10K hour journey to mastery, as Gladwel asserts,
Yes, that is the time bamboo takes to deepen its roots

Grow you may in whatever way
While you carry on in the world of work:
Taller, or wider, or newer, or deeper,
But make sure to align it to your inner core.

You know what really matters at the end of the day
Is not the money you earned or the fame you reaped;
But how happy were you, is what truly counts,

In putting that smile on the face of the world.
 - Bharath Gopalan

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